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Altior Law Trusted Counsel For Complex Commercial Litigation

Altior Law: Trusted Counsel for Complex Commercial Litigation

Unparalleled Expertise in Business Advocacy

Altior Law, renowned for its exceptional legal counsel, specializes in assisting business entities of all sizes navigate the complexities of commercial litigation. Our experienced attorneys are adept at handling a wide range of legal challenges, ensuring that our clients' interests are meticulously upheld.

Proven Success in Business Litigation

Led by founding attorney and CPA Kenneth Neuman, Altior Law has established a solid reputation for delivering positive outcomes in complex commercial litigation. Neuman's extensive knowledge in both law and accounting empowers him to provide comprehensive legal strategies that address the unique needs of businesses.

Honored for Excellence

In recognition of Neuman's exceptional contributions to the legal field, he has been selected by the Oakland County Bar Association as a "Rising Star" for his exceptional legal abilities and dedication to ethical practice. This prestigious recognition further underscores Altior Law's commitment to providing unparalleled legal representation to our clients.
